Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Holiday ramblings

The end of this week sees the beginning of the summer holidays for my children. This brings with it a range of emotions, pride, relief, sadness, frustration.

My eldest will be going up to year 2 and excitedly started her new class this morning.

My youngest will be starting year R in September. I am so proud of how she has come on in the last year. She has gone from a shy girl who would barely say 2 words to a confident, never stops talking whirl wind! She is going to love school.

But it also sees the end to me being a stay at home mum. I should be getting excited about looking for a job, going back to work. But I can't. I can't begin to describe the sadness and frustration at not being well enough to work.
A few people reading this will be thinking "oh I wish I didn't have to work", "you're so lucky being able to stay at home". But believe me when I say I am not. It is lonely being at home when everyone else is at work or school. It is frustrating not being able to bring any money into the family.
I should be looking on the bright side, think about all the extra rest time I will get that will aid my recovery, but it is hard always looking for the good points.

Holidays in themselves are hard. When the kids were little I would dread the summer holidays. 6 weeks without our usual routine of toddler groups. Now I find relief in them. Yes I will have 2 stir crazy children to entertain for 6 weeks, but I won't have to leave the house twice a day 5 days a week so I really can spend all my spoons on them!

I did recently have 2 and a half weeks of feeling great. We went on a family holiday and we walked, swam, scooted, disco'd and even climbed a light house! I managed to keep the momentum going for a while after we got back which was great, made me realize what life should be like. But then life happened, and I crashed. But I will get back there again.

I'm also struggling a bit with social media at the moment. I used to say that being a part of these sites meant I could live vicariously through my friends and family, but recently I've been finding it hard seeing people doing things that I wish I could be doing. So if I am a little quiet it is because I am avoiding my timeline. I am still looking at notifications though and posting the odd thing.
This is good really because I spend far too much time on the computer which is not good for my pacing and I will have far less time to look during the holidays.

I'm sure I will be back to my happy smiley self again soon. In the meantime bear with me.

Sorry for the ramblings, clearing my head.