Wednesday, 30 September 2015

This is me.

This is me, take me or leave me.

I am a shy person who occasionally does bold things like dye my hair blue, or shave it all off.
I took GCSE drama, performed in the school choir, and love to dance, yet one of the things I hate most is getting up in front of people and being noticed.
I also hate talking on the telephone and do avoid it as much as possible (apologies to those who do try to phone me).

I like wearing unshapely comfy clothes, which yes mostly come from the men's section in the clothes store, and yes tend to make me look boyish - especially with the shaved head. This does not mean I wish I were a boy, I just like to be comfy and I value that more than being accepted.
I do not wear makeup. Once upon a time I did try. I didn't like it. I think people are beautiful as they are and there is no need to paint on a face for the world to see. However I can appreciate why people like it, and that some use it to hide behind. I hide behind my sunglasses, I feel slightly uneasy on really dark days or rainy days when I can't wear them.

Vanity is a stress I do not need in my life. 

I'm beginning to learn that wherever I am (my home excluded) I always feel a little out of place, that is just me. 

As an adult I'm still not sure how to make friends. When the kids were younger I'd instigate play dates, but how does it work when they are at school? I chat to people online all the time, that is easy, but in real life? I struggle... I feel awkward and chat does not flow. I guess this will get easier with practice.

I like doing nice things for people. I like giving gifts when they are unexpected or needed rather than when it is appropriate to. I have just joined a Happy Mail group which I hope will open my eyes to new ways in which I can make people happy.

I feel like I am writing to justify myself, which isn't needed, but I'm writing it anyway.

Saturday, 19 September 2015


Earlier today I wrote a post about having my hair cut off, which is all very well and good and some may find interesting, but it has totally masked how I am actually feeling about life at the moment.

Last week my youngest started school. The school run generally I struggle with and on my bad weeks I have been known to be a tearful wreck by Friday. Last week I was a tearful wreck by Wednesday... I put this down to the added anxiety, stress of my youngest starting school. Although I wasn't worried, I knew she was going to love it and be fine.

My lovely monsters shared their back to school cold with me so that hasn't helped this week, and actually I managed a little better, I wasn't a tearful wreck until Thursday! And I managed to get my paints out Wednesday - which is a mega bonus.

But Thursday, Friday and now today I have been completely and utterly drained. On returning from taking the kids to school I have sat down and pretty much not moved until it was time to pick them up again. 

This huge backwards leap in energy has me scared. Scared that I am not improving but in fact getting worse. This is of course unrealistic thinking. There are always set backs, especially when routine is changed, and I never remember how bad the bad days are after a spell of feeling a little better.

As I write this I'm getting a sense of de ja vu at having written something very similar before, which only emphasises the fact that you do almost immediately forget how bad it can get.

So please excuse my ramblings, I obviously needed to write this in order to help me remember that this is how it goes and it will get better again.

Confessions of a hairless ME

Well it has been one week since I took the plunge and shaved all my hair off!

In the week leading up to the event people kept stopping me and asking if I was nervous - I was not. Then people seemed keen to come and watch, so I opened it up to have people around to watch.
On the morning of the event I was exhausted and more nervous about having an audience then I was having my hair shaved off!

Half way through the cutting my eldest daughter (6) disappeared upstairs, when it was finished and I went to find her she was in her bed crying and she wouldn't look at me. She said she didn't like my new hair. I told her to remember that I was still me and what I look like makes no difference to who I am. She did eventually appear back downstairs (with a little hot chocolate bribery), and after not very long was wanting to take me out and show me off to everyone!

My husband who is hairless had warned me that it would be cold, but I wasn't quite prepared for the sensation of having no hair!

It has been a cold rainy week here, so mostly when leaving the house I have been in a hat. Not because I don't want to show off my new hair, but because I'm not quite ready to get a cold wet head!
I have managed 1 or 2 school runs without the hat which have only met with positive comments.

But here are my 'confessions'.
I couldn't look in a mirror until Wednesday without thinking "wow that's strange, what did I do!"
I can't stop running my hands threw it - it is a lovely feeling.
It is surprisingly cold and I have spent much time in the house wearing a hat!
I am amazed at how quickly it grows!
It does look better than I had feared it might, though I don't love it as much as I had hoped!
It has taken away the irritation that I often feel with my hair, but has left me with a new irritation, but I am hoping that will pass as it grows a little.

All in all I am thrilled with how much money I have made for the ME Association, very pleased I have finally gone through with it, and haven't experienced any negativity only a couple of odd looks and double takes.