Monday, 12 June 2017

Minimalism with Children

I really appreciate the idea of minimalism. Less stuff to organise, clean, tidy, look after. I have spent the last few years trying to de clutter as best I can with minimal energy and a young family under foot. And I have found that the freer from stuff I have become the more relaxed and calmer I feel. A simple life truly is a better one. In fact this is my second post on this subject find the beginning of this journey here.

But minimalism with 2 small children and a husband who doesn't "get it" is tough. Just 3 weeks ago my girls each had a birthday and this year they had a massive party, 48 guests in total. And of course one of the things they were looking forward to most was all the "stuff" they would get from the party. I've read since about present less parties, which in hindsight would have been a good idea, though then would they have been disappointed? Actually I don't even need to ask that question, I know hands down they would have been seriously disappointed...

Anyway, so that was 3 weeks ago. My kids have never been good at keeping things tidy, have never gotten the hang of putting one thing away before getting the next thing out... So I feel like I have spent the last 3 weeks constantly tidying "stuff" and not being able to get on top of it. Result= one tired stressed very fed up and short fused mum.

So the answer? Well actually I haven't worked that out yet. I did get both girls to go trough their rooms and discard into a box anything they no longer wanted to keep, which worked surprisingly well, though a week after that and both rooms are a mess again with no sign of a tidy future.

We are currently in the process of having a new bathroom fitted and yesterday afternoon as the suite was being unboxed the kids (as usual) were right there begging for the boxes. They love playing with boxes and have been known to spend hours decorating playing and turning them into things. Personally I love this type of play, it involves so much imagination and working together and they are always so excited and so happy (their faces literally light up), I can genuinely say thy enjoy this more than any toy from a shop.

However they don't seem to realise this and every time I visit a shop with them they spend the entire time asking how much certain toys are (if they happen to have a few pennies with them), or the dreaded "can I?" not just once but over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It reaches the point when I want to abandon the shopping trip and never take them to a shop again!

Yesterday evening over dinner I was talking about their love of boxes and flippantly suggested we replaced 90% of their toys with art/craft supplies and boxes, My youngest (6) looked terrified and genuinely upset, however my eldest (8) looked interested and has requested I provide her with more boxes next weekend so that she can get rid of all of her things. I will believe it when I see it. Generally she is unsure about making big decisions, or even small ones but we will tread gently and see how it goes.

In the past I have found the energy (and the end of my fuse) and packed up most of their toys and put them in the loft and every time this has gone down well, they've been thrilled with having tidy, clear, minimal bedrooms and actually haven't missed the items missing. Perhaps I should try that approach again and see how it goes?