Tuesday 16 September 2014

It's a small world

Having M.E is like living in a very small world.

Often with M.E. your whole world is your house. Anything outside it is scary and out of bounds. And even then a lot of things inside your house you cannot do. It is frustrating, you can see all of these things that you want to do, but know that you can't. 
It's hard looking at jobs knowing you could have achieved all of them in a day when you were well, but knowing it will take a month or longer to do the same jobs now.

If you are unlucky enough to have severe M.E then your whole world is very small, probably only as big as your room. 

At the moment my whole world is my house, and the school run. On a good day the beach might be a possibility and on a really good day, or knowing I need to but that there will be payback my local shops might get a visit. 
Even with my slightly expanded world I still find anything outside the house a little scary. 

I have had to find a way to look around the house and prioritise. There are always things that have to be done everyday, there are other jobs that can wait till tomorrow and there are hundreds more jobs waiting for some other time (or other person) to do them!

I am still getting better, but progress is slow. 1 step forwards 2 steps back is how it feels at the moment. But all I have to do is think back to a year ago to see that I AM getting better.

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