Sunday 24 August 2014

Waiting for the crash

Crashes are strange things

Sometimes if I have a friend round for the afternoon I can feel myself getting more and more tired and by the time they go I can hardly move. I think of this as a mini crash as it doesn't seem to flow over into the following days (or not too badly anyway).

Other times I seem to be able to get away with doing much more but the crash is delayed. 
Take this week for example, I went on a mini holiday. 5 hours in the car there, 2 nights in a hotel, 7 hours in the car on the way home. That in itself is exhausting, but then add to that I was constantly surrounded by people, family, children, noise. During those 3 days we ventured to 2 parks, an animal petting farm, had a picnic, went to 2 cafes and went out for dinner. Also on the drive home we stopped at a shopping centre and got my 2 girls measured for new shoes.

I was very much expecting to wake Saturday morning and find myself in crash mode, but I didn't. All day I was waiting for it. I sorted all the holiday stuff and put it away, did the washing, still no crash... We went out to get the few bits of school uniform needed for next term, still nothing... I cooked a nice dinner, now quite tired but not what I would call crash.

So when will it come? 
I know it will come, but when? 
It's an odd sensation feeling well when you know you shouldn't. Kind of like living on borrowed time, or borrowed energy.
I know I need to take it easy for a few days now, because the energy I am feeling isn't real. If I keep going like I have been it will catch up with me and the crash will be far worse. But how do you stop yourself being busy when you do feel up to it? How do you do less than you feel capable of doing? 
These are questions I will never know the answer to, yet I will constantly ask.

1 comment:

  1. I think you've answered your own question. You know you need to take it easy for a few days so learn to stop while you still feel capable of doing more. Enjoy that rare feeling that you could do more - but don't!
