Tuesday 25 November 2014

Doodles and craft

I run a group called the M.E. Craft Collective over on Facebook. there are about 175 of us at the moment, but we are steadily growing in numbers.

Our health and crafty abilities vary considerably, but it is great fun to show off what we have managed, ask for help and ideas, and be inspired by other peoples work.

I have a friend on there who is mostly bed bound, while there she manages to make some beautiful cards, and recently has started sharing her doodles with us. This inspired me. Doodling was something I did a lot of when I was at school, somewhere in the loft I have homework diaries full of doodles! I used to love it, but realised I hadn't done any doodling in years. So I picked up a pen...

I've become a little addicted over the last few weeks, coming up with ideas and needing to get them down on paper. Even dreaming about the patterns in my sleep.

I am a fan of inspirational quotes and have tried to combine some quotes within my doodles.

I am not good at self promotion, I look at something I've created, especially something drawn and all I see is the faults. I always think there are people out there who can do this stuff so much better than me, perhaps I should leave them too it. But I enjoy it and I have had some lovely feedback recently.

Unfortunately all this doodling has taken it's toll on my weak wrists. I now have pain in my hand and all the way up my arm, so I think I need to take a break from it for a while, which is very hard because once I get into something I like to keep going, but I need to try.

One interesting thing I have noticed is how my brain works differently now to how it did when I used to doodle. In my teens all the doodling was there in my head, the random patterns and designs would just be there, but these days I need to look at pictures for inspiration, the ideas are there, but the patterns are not, it's like I've lost that section of my brain that produces pattern. I don't know if this is down to the M.E or just getting older, but it is odd!

Anyway, here's a link where you can see all of my doodles as they are done www.Facebook com/wonkeycreations

And here are a few of the one's I am most pleased with.

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