Tuesday 17 June 2014

M.E. the relapse

In the early months of 2013 I was very stressed, I suffered a chest infection followed by an ear infection and just didn't pick up. 

My gp said that it was post viral fatigue and I would improve after a few weeks. My mum said it could be my m.e. coming back and I should start following the rules again. I should have listened to my mum!

It took me the best part of 6 months to come to terms with the idea that it was the m.e. back. I had to stop driving due to the dizziness and fatigue that had taken over my life.

We moved back to Whitstable in the October of 2013, which very much helped with the reduction of stress!

When we moved back the idea of having to get my eldest to and from school was scary. I knew I needed to take my youngest to toddler groups and that was daunting, and going into town to run errands was out of the question.

Now 7 months on I can manage the school run with out becoming a tearful wreck by Friday. I can go to the odd toddler group, although I do struggle with these due to the over stimulation, noise, people, heat. And amazingly I can even get into town using my electric tricycle and run errands! 

I am amazed with how far I have come, and I hope I will continue to improve and perhaps next time notice the warning signs.

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